Hello everyone, My sister informed me it was time for me to update my blog.... I think she misses us! Well hopefully they all know how much we miss them. We returned safely from our Family Road trip - all in one piece, believe it or not. After we got home it was crazy busy with all of us trying to get things unpacked and then get things done so Jodie, Jan, James and Jenna could get packed to make their long trip back to Holland. They flew back on the 14th of August! Oh yeah, Rob and I celebrated our 2nd Wedding Anniversary on the 13th. I received a beautiful necklace with the parents and three kids in a circle. I love it! I love you honey! Here is to many, many, many more happy years together.
Now we are trying to get things back to a "normal" routine! I should probably tell you that Josh is now a Junior in Highschool and is going to Mountain View (not by his choice) He seems to be really liking his classes and has been a great help around the house. Bradley is now in the 8th grade at Taylor Junior High. He likes most of his classes but he does have a couple teachers he really does not care for. He is also doing well. Emmalee is pulling herself up on things and "furniture" walking... she will tell you what a Duck says "quack, quack" and last night she said Moo when we asked her what a cow said. Emmalee loves Nashoba and Nashoba is really warming up to Emmalee. Nashoba will allow Emmalee to climb on her (when Nashoba is in the mood). I tried to get some pictures of it and Nashoba hates cameras so she decided to run away while Emmalee was still holding on to her collar.
Emmalee has not mastered riding on her Little Mermaid bike with out the assistance of her brothers but her balance is really good and she will sit on it.
She loves to dance to the music and push it around (about 5 or 6 steps and then she sits). I am including a picture of everyone who was at the church for Emmalee's baptism in July
and also a picture of Josh, Brad and Emmalee on the morning of Emmalee's baptism.
I will try and update this more often. Our love to everyone! Love, Rob, Jill, Josh, Brad and Emmalee.