Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. We had a wonderful day! This morning started with "Sticky Buns" from Diane - Thank you very much Diane, we loved them. We peeked under the tree to find that Santa had been here and had brought us lots of presents.. our stocking were full and everything was ready for us to open. The boys spent Christmas Eve with their mother and Rob went to get them at 11:30.... Once the boys were here we dug in. We all got a lot of wonderful, beautiful, exciting gifts. Emmalee hung out in her bouncy and watched all the action. The picture of Emmalee was actually taken first thing this morning. It has been a very long day for her and she has tried to get some sleep any chance she gets. We had a delicious meal and now it is time for me to get some sleep... it is only 7 but I am tired. I think Emmalee enjoyed her 1st Christmas and we are looking forward to many, many, many more! Love to you all. Jill and family

Sunday, December 24, 2006

ZooLights 2006

As I mentioned in my update from last night, we went to the Phoenix Zoo for our annual zoolights trip. Sarah, Hunter, Deb, Nana Phyllis, Emmalee and I had a wonderful time looking at all of the cool lights.

They had a lot of the same things but they did add a camel ride, a wagon (hay) ride, and some new lights - such as giraffes off in the distance. The trees still danced to music and they had some penquins out dancing... I think it was a tribute to Happy Feet!!!!

It was cold outside so Emmalee was bundled in her nap sack. She seemed to enjoy all the lights - through her eyelids. I think she was just very cozy and warm.

Merry Christmas to everyone and we will update soon... I need to get Emmalee to bed so that Santa Claus can come visit. Josh and Brad are at their mom's tonight they will come send the day with us tomorrow. We love you all! Remember Santa knows who has been naughty and who has been nice! So be Nice! Love always, Jill
P.S. Thank you Sarah for taking the pictures and sharing them with us. My camera batteries died as soon as we got to the Zoo. I really appreciate you sharing the photos with me. You are the best!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas is coming....

I have been very bad and have not updated the blog for a couple weeks. Emmalee is now 11 weeks old and Christmas is 2 days away. I am sorry I will try and do better. We have been very busy shopping and trying to get everything ready for Emmalee's 1st Christmas. We had Emmalee's 2 month pictures taken.
They turned out pretty good. She smiled once for the lady but was not real excited with the whole process....She was wondering where her Aunt Jodie was...... Here are the pictures that I chose from the store, I am going to sign off for now.
We will update with more pictures from the past two weeks (you can see some from our annual trip to zoolights on Hunters Blog at )

You may have already received our Christmas card but if not here is the family picture that Papa Jim took for us. We love you all and wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

Love to you all, Jill, Rob, Josh, Brad and Emmalee

Friday, December 08, 2006

Two months or 9 weeks

It has been a very busy week for all of us. Last Saturday Emmalee got to meet her Grand Nan and Great Uncle Peter. (Nan is Grandma Rosemary's sister) Peter had a conference in Scottsdale so they came to visit us at our house. It was wonderful seeing them. Emmalee was a little confused because Grand Nan and Grandma Rosemary sound a lot a like. Emmalee then went on a ride to visit some of my co-workers up at Silverleaf spa in Scottsdale. On Tuesday evening Emmalee and I went out to dinner with my friends in the Women's Spinal Cord Injury Support Group. We had a very nice dinner at Macayos and Emmalee got to meet Lisa, Julie, Jennifer, Helga (and Bob). It was a great evening! = ) On Wednesday Emmalee was officially 2 months old. We tried to get her pictures taken but the people at the studio were not very nice we we decided we were going to go elsewhere. On Thursday Papaw turned 85 years young! Happy Birthday Papaw we love you very very much!!! We wish we could have been there to celebrate with you! Emmalee also went to the doctor for her 2 month check up and to get 5, yes I said 5 shots. She received 3 in her left thigh and 2 in her right one. She now weights 13 lbs 1 oz and is 24 inches long. She is growing like a weed. Today (Friday) Emmalee and I spent the day with Nana Phyllis, Grandma Diane, Aunt Julie and Aunt Andrea cooking for the Century 21 RAN Christmas party. We made lots of goodies..... Aunt Julie tried her best to mess up Emmalee's schedule in the hopes of making Emmalee wake up all night. We will see what happens. I am going to go to sleep. Until next time. I have not forgotten to post Thanksgiving pics, I still don't have them. Love Jill and family

Monday, December 04, 2006

All I Want for Christmas.....

Okay, I am bad.. I have not put any pictures on here from Emmalee's First Thanksgiving..( I have not downloaded them from Mom's camera) But Emmalee and I went and visited Santa and I wanted to share the photo with everyone. She was great. She stared at him afterwards like "Okay who are you and how are you related to our family." I will write more soon. Love to you all. Jill and family

Monday, November 27, 2006

My first Turkey Day....

I was hoping to show some picture from Emmalee's first Thanksgiving but they are all on Nana Phyllis's camera so we will share those later. It has been quite a week. As you saw Grandma
Rosemary and Grandpa Al came to visit from Louisiana. Bradley celebrated his 13th birthday and we had Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving was wonderful. Dennis, Samantha, Madison and Hunter came and joined us for Turkey, Ham, 2 kinds of stuffing, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, rolls and green bean casserole. Rosemary made a pumpkin pie, peacan pie and an apple pie. The meal was incredible, and the company was even better. It was a very nice day. The weather outside was perfect.... yes, it was in the 80's (very warm for November but it was nice). All the boys played with Brad's new deer hunting game...
On Black Friday I got up at 3:30a.m. because Emmalee was hungry and I fed her... I then got ready and went shopping... boy did I get some great deals... I hit Staples first and then WalMart, after that I went and fed Emmalee again and picked up Nana Phyllis for some more shopping... we went to Costco, Kohls, Best Buy and Radio shack okay a couple Best Buys and a couple Radio Shacks.... Grandma Rosemary took Josh and Brad shopping, Papa Jim and Rob went golfing and Grandpa Al watched football.
Friday night we went to see Rob's friend Chuck's son Jake and his friend Justin play in the State semi finals for football.... it was a great game and the boys played hard but unfortunatly they did not win. It was a hard loss as both of them are seniors. Papa Jim and Nana Babysat for Emmalee.
Saturday we didn't do much but take some pictures, as you can see Emmalee loves Tigger as much as her mommy does. She is getting so big... she is now 7 weeks old and growing like a weed. She loves to smile and coo. She also loves to sit in her swing and watch the birdies and listen to the music or sit in her bouncy chair and listen to the music while it vibrates.
It is now Monday and we just took Grandma Rosemary and Grandpa Al to the airport... it was a sad morning, we did not want them to go. We love them very much.
I will write more later and include more Turkey day pictures! Love Jill and family

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just wanted to take a minute and wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are thankful for so much this year. We will update with picture from the day soon. We love you and miss you. Thanks for being a part of our lives! Love the Sclease family! = )

Monday, November 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Big Little Brother Bradley

Bradley celebrated his 13th birthday at Rockfish restaurant in Chandler. His Dad and I got him a cell phone for his birthday. I had it arranged with the waitress to bring it to him when Papa Jim called.... (Papa Jim was not feeling good, he had a bad tummy so he stayed at home). Papa Jim called and wished him a Happy Birthday and then asked him how it felt to talk on HIS new cell phone. I thought he was going to jump out of his chair. He was so happy. After dinner at the restaurant we went back to Papa Jim and Nana's and had French Silk Pie (Bradley's favorite... and mine) Emmalee even had a little taste.

We had a wonderul day. It was really neat for the kids to have Grandma Rosemary and Grandpa Al here to celebrate Brad's birthday!
There is now another Blod some of you may be interested in. My girlfriend Sarah has started a blog for her son Hunter. If you are interested in seeing the blog the address is
Hope you all have a great day! More to come.... Love, Jill and fam

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Six Weeks and a couple days

On Friday Emmalee was six weeks old and she got to meet her Grandma Rosemary and Her Grandpa Al for the first time. They came all the way from Louisiana to spend the week with us. They are here to meet Emmalee, to help Bradley celebrate his 13th birthday and to have Thanksgiving with us. Grandma Rosemary jumped right in the truck to see Emmalee and even had tears in her eyes when she looked at Emmalee for the first time.

Bradley came over later Friday night after his school dance to see his Grandparents, he shared his Grandma Rosemary's lap with his little sister. Bradley had a great time at the dance and even danced with an 8th grader! = ) He was pretty hyper all night from all of the caffine he had and excitement. Bradley and I stayed up until Midnight and I was the first to wish him a Happy 13th birthday.
Bradley and Papa Jim went and played 9 holes of golf on Saturday. Bradley is celebrating his birthday with his Mom by going to an ASU football game. Then we will have him on Sunday to celebrate. On Saturday afternoon Bradley and Emmalee spent some quality time together. Bradley told Emmalee some things about birthdays and going swimming in Papa Jim and Nana's pool. He then read her some of the books that Grandma Rosemary brought for Emmalee's library.
Okay I am going to end for now but will post more after Bradley's birthday celebration.
Emmalee did sleep from 11:00p.m. to 7:00a.m. last night.... Mommy enjoyed the sleep! = )
Love always, Jill

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh My!

Emmalee, Brad and I met Sarah, Hunter, Sheri, Cheyenne and Jay (a friend of mine and Sarah's and her two kids) for a relaxing day at the zoo. Little did we know that all of Phoenix was also going to spend the day at the zoo.Here is a picture of Hunter, Brad, Jay and Cheyenne. Brad was the oldest of the bunch and he had little eyes watching his every move... most of the time they all tried to follow him and do exactly what he was doing. (Brad loved this)!! The kids all rode the Merry Go Round... Emmalee really wanted to but we were feeding so we got a picture of it in the back ground. The zoo has some new baby animals and a few new exhibits.They have a Monkey Village where they let the Monkeys roam. They had a couple monkey babies. Brad took some really good pictures. Emmalee and I stayed out and waited for everyone. We did not want to unload our stoller and leave everything out side so we sat and watched everyone. There was also a baby oraganatang that was out playing while we were there. It was a great day with wonderful friends. Emmalee slept alot, had two outfit changes (before we even got to the gate) but got lots of fresh air and sunshine.

This morning we decided to play in the play mat that we got from all of our friends at my work. Emmalee loved looking at her self in the mirror and reachinng for the parrot.... I hope she doesn't think this means she can play with Papaguya (my parents parrot). If you want to see the pictures bigger all you have to do is click on the picture and it will enlarge. Thank you for your comments. I am going to try and post every couple of days! Love always, Jill and family

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Going on 5 Weeks

Well, I am not very good at this but I am going to try and do better. I had a whole bunch of pictures that are lost on a memory card so I had to go purchase a new memory card. I am going to take the old one in and see if they can recover the pictures. Emmalee is doing wonderful... she is getting bigger by the minute. Aunt Jodie, I love my swing! I spend some time there daily. I also love my bath time, she likes it best when the water is spraying on her. She had to have a bath today because we switched diapers and they don't hold as well.... So Mommy decided that it was easier to spray me off and give me a bath rather than try and clean me with wipes. After my bath I am not very happy unless I am wrapped up tightly in my towel. The last picture was taken a couple of day ago and it is of Daddy and Papa Jim sharing the floor with me... put your sun glasses on there is a glare off both of their heads from the flash. I hope everyone is doing well. We love you all!!! Let me know what you think of the Blog. Nana, Mommy and I are going to go get Mommy's hair cut and then out to lunch... Love you all! Love, Jill and family

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Almost 4 weeks old

Well, tomorrow our little girl will be 4 weeks old. Boy does time fly when you are having fun. I can not beleive it. She is such a wonderful baby and a true joy. She is sleeping any where from 5-6 hours a night. She is smiling more and her personality is really begining to develop. I had taken some pictures but the memory card in my camera is bad and I lost all of them. Emmalee celebrated her first Holiday this week. She was Tigger for Halloween. She was really cute in her Tigger outfit. We went trick-or-treating to Papa Jim and Nana Phyllis's house and to Grandpa Tom and Grandma Diane's. I am trying this Blog site, we will see how it works. Love to all... Jill, Rob, Josh, Brad and Emmalee