Friday, November 16, 2007


We were not sure what we were going to dress Emmalee up as for Halloween. Daddy (Rob) and Nana got into a discussion as to which team was better. Daddy for LSU and Nana for Mississippi State. Nana brought Emmalee home a Mississippi State Bulldog stuffed animal from one of her earlier trips to Mississippi. Daddy called Grandma Rosemary and told her about the Bulldog..... we received a package in the early part of October which included LSU t-shirts for Rob, Josh, Brad and myself and an LSU cheerleading outfit for Emmalee. So, thanks to Grandma Rosemary we now had the perfect Halloween costume. Emmalee was not really sure of what all was going on but I know she enjoyed being out and seeing everyone. We went and saw people in the neighborhood we knew. Grandma Diane and Grandpa Tom were out on their front porch so Emmalee got to play with Katie and I can't remember the new puppies name because they keep calling it Dumb dog. We had fun and enjoyed the night, we did not have very many trick or treaters though. It definatly has slowed down in our neighborhood since we were young. We hope you all enjoyed your night!! Love Rob, Jill, Josh, Brad and Emmalee

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