Friday, July 11, 2008

I PEE PEE - Mommy

Okay - this is rather late because it happened about a month ago but I did not want to not share!!! Emmalee and I have a game we play when we are getting ready to go take a bath. We go into her bedroom and take all of her clothes off and then hurry into the bathroom - all the while I am telling Emmalee "Dont' Pee Pee on Mommy!" Now that she is talking she says it back to me..... A couple weeks ago, I took Emmalee in to get her ready for a bath and night, night and Nashoba (our dog) came into the room and starting running around in circles playing. Emmalee had to get down on the ground and play with Nashoba. I slowly took her clothes off while they were playing and yelled for Daddy to come see what was happening. Emmalee was down to her diaper and decided she was going to take it off by herself. After she took it off I said "No Pee Pee" Emmalee repeated "No Pee Pee" and continued to play with Nashoba - wish I had a camera then but of course I didn't and I did not want to miss the action. Out of the blue Emmalee looks at me and says "I PEE PEE MOMMY" and turns and heads to the bathroom. Daddy and I both jump up and run towards the bathroom - Emmalee changes directions and comes back into the room to chase Nashoba.... about 3 minutes later again Emmalee says "I PEE PEE MOMMY" and runs to the bathroom - Daddy and I again follow, Daddy opens the bathroom door and then the lid to Emmalee's potty. Emmalee proceeds to sit down on the potty and go PEE PEE!!!! We made a huge deal out of it and praised her!!!! I had to call Papa Jim and Nana and the next day I called Grandma Rosemary!!! I even took a picture of the potty!!!! YES! I am a PROUD MOMMY! Now she has only done it a couple times since but it is a start and I am still very proud of her! We have even had the I poo poo Mommy and missed the potty! The boys weren't to happy with that one, I did wash the carpets!!!

Love to you all!
Jill and family!


Anonymous said...

Yea Emmalee!!! She is growing up so fast. Watch out!!

K2 Designs said...

LOL How funny! but hey- what ever works! I imagine by now she's all done. Way to go Em!